The challenge was to reimagine the bumper used at the end of each show for the Arizona PBS program, “Catalyst”. The logo underwent a slight update after which an animated bumper was designed to play at the close of the show.
Creative Brief & Storyboard
After an initial study of Arizona PBS and Catalyst's core audience, ideas were presented for a revised bumper that would play after the show's closing credits, as well as an updated logo for the program and its website.

Creative Brief


Graphics & Illustrations
Working from the definition, "a person or thing that causes change", and the brand's tagline, "shaping the future", a theme of moving forward towards the future was adopted for the project.
The logo expands as it moves onscreen in a fluid motion, hinting at speed as the tagline shoots past the mark and backs into place.
The globe continues to rotate as the logo "changes" as if a chemical reaction has created a brief glow. The logo then reacts as if it were being pulled once the forward motion resumes, and the logo exits left. 
Logo Revision

Original Logo

Revised Logo

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